Today was so much fun! I worked from 10-2...I had an induction and also taught Spinning for the first time. How was it, you ask? Well, I got through it, but it was tough! However, I find the best way to learn how to do something is to just jump right in, even though it can be terrifying...the first time will always be a bit shaky, but you learn from your mistakes and you only get better. :)
After work, I walked to Marta's house, where we had tea and waited for Ewelina to get off work and join us. We went to a little place called Baker's Corner where we had cappuccino and a delicious dinner. We then got out the GPS and map and made our way into the mountains to Johnnie Fox's, the highest pub in Ireland! It is such an interesting place, lots of things on the walls and ceilings and TONS of history behind the was establisted in like 1798. We had a delicious dessert there called Banoffee, which is a layer of pastry, then toffee sauce, then sliced bananas, then whipped cream on top....fantastic! We went on a little walk after that to try to burn off the calories...ha yeah right, not really :) It was really fun...we took some fun pictures, or tried at least! In the one Ewelina and I are jumping in, there is a car coming around the really we tried to do it quickly before we got hit! All in all, it was a wonderful day... so much fun to spend time with friends. :)
Marta dropped Ewelina and I off afterwards... I came home and drank tea and talked with Filippo for awhile. I also had to say goodbye to Luca, as he is heading to Galway for the weekend.: ( I also realized how much I really have to do and how little time I have to do it I better wrap this up now so I can get on all of it. Tomorrow is my last day in Ireland. Crazyness.
Until next time, Cheers!
"The Lord has told you what is good, and this is what He requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." -Micah 6:8
keep on drinkin' that tea sister!! :)