"What we call the end is also a beginning. The end is where we start from." -T.S. Eliot
I really like this quote because I feel like it adequately describes what this trip has been for me. The end is ever so near...I can't believe I actually have to say goodbye...it's been such a fast 4 weeks. However, this trip has taught me so much, more than I can even describe with words...so I know that this end is the start of a new beginning.
How about raindrops on roses? ...simply beautiful. :)
Sunday night, the guys that I met at church invited me over to their house for dinner and prayer and worship. I ended up meeting like 15 of their friends...it was amazing. We just talked, laughed, hung out, and after about an hour, we went around the room and people prayed for many different things. I feel so so blessed to have gotten the opportunity to meet these people..the whole time my heart was so joyful and my spirit felt refreshed by their warm welcome, extreme kindness, and fellowship. After everyone was done praying, Alex asked if they could circle around me and pray for me...of course I said yes! It was incredible...I was choking back tears of joy because they were just pouring love onto me and they hardly even knew me! I'm just sad I have to leave already...but hopefully I'll see them all when I (hopefully!) return in May. :)
I got home around midnight and I had to call Kristin and tell her all about my awesome night! It took me awhile to wind down from the day so I didn't go to bed for a few hours. On Monday, I worked 9 hours but it flew by quickly because we were pretty busy. Since Robert is gone to Poland, I ended up teaching my first fitness class ever. I have taken about a bajillion fitness classes, but this was my first time teaching my own class. I was a bit nervous...ok more than a bit...but I loosened up after about 10 minutes and it was actually really, really fun! By the end, I was sweating buckets but felt amazing! I went home and got to talk on the phone to a friend at Kanakuk...which made me SO SUPER excited to go to Kamp when I get home. I'm so thankful there is something really amazingly fun to look forward to when I get home from here!
On Tuesday, Ruairi was sick, so I ended up working from 11-9:30, though I had a longer lunch break so I went shopping :)...we were really busy again... I had 4 inductions. My last guy was really nice, but he was from Cork...and if you don't know about Cork, their accents are absolutely impossible to understand. Even the Dubliners can hardly understand them...so you can imagine my struggle! It just blows my mind that we speak the same language, yet somehow our words come out so differently! He was really cool though, he was my age and I could tell he was trying to speak slow and deliberately, but I still had to ask him a few times to repeat himself. We laughed a lot and had a great time during the induction...I love it when people are fun. :) Tuesday was Broc's 22nd birthday, so I got to talk to him on the phone when I got home from work. Wow...my little brother is growing up so fast.
Today I worked another 8 hours...I only have 8 hours total left in my internship. Holy Moly. Nothing too exciting happened...I got off at 7 and was able to make it home to eat dinner with Luca and Filippo, usually I have to eat alone because I get home so late. :-/ So right now I am just looking at how much stuff I have accumulated over the past 4 weeks...hoping I can fit it all in my suitcases...thinking of the goodbye notes I still need to write to people...need to do laundry...need to journal...
Tomorrow, I am going to Johnny Fox's Pub with Marta and Ewelina...this is the highest pub in Ireland, up in the Wicklow Mountains! They have Irish dancing and singing every day, so it should be a really great time. I'm sure I'll have pictures to post afterwards.
Cheers for now...
"He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end." -Ecclesiastes 3:11
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