Yesterday was a wonderful day. Mary, my host mother, came home and she is just delightful! We had tea, and I spent over an hour just talking with her about her holiday in Spain and everything else. Speaking of tea, I will never drink my tea the same again. The Irish put milk and sugar in their tea and it is soooo good! Later on, I got ready for work and stopped at the post office to mail some postcards, then headed in around 4.
It was a rather busy day with clients, so that was good. I took Ruairi's spinning! I have only taken spin a few times back home in the States but I have never really liked it much. I'm more of an step/kickboxing type of girl. Let's just say that after the class I felt great...but I seriously thought I was going to die while I was doing it! We were doing pushups and hand switches while pedaling at like 80%... at one point I was getting tired and decided to look at my watch, and only 9 minutes out of the 45 had passed. Oh yes..what a great workout :)
This morning, I got up early and went to Bray with Luca. He has an internship at a radio station there, so I got off at one of the stops while he continued into work. Bray is a small seaside village south of Dun Laoghaire. I strolled along the shoreline and took lots of beautiful pictures, such as the one posted above. You can't see it from this photo, but there is a cross at the very peak of the moutain. There were some really awesome stones/pebbles on the shore, so I found some I liked and packed them in my bag. I was really excited about them...they were all colors and really smooth! joy disappeared when I came across a sign that said "removal of stones from the beach is PROHIBITED!" I felt guilty and put them alllll back. :( Oh well.
I found a nice little coffee shop there in town, ordered a coffee, and sat down to write more postcards. It was a nice, relaxing morning. Around 1:00, I took the DART back to Dun Laoghaire to get ready...because Kristin is coming today! She will be here in about an hour...I'm so excited to share part of this experience with my best friend! :) I don't have to work Monday or Tuesday, so we will surely have a wonderful and long weekend. Oh...and the grand finale of Kristin's time here is that we are going to see Riverdance perform on Tuesday night! What fun, what fun...until next time, Cheers!
"Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song, and all about you will be beauty. There is a way out of every dark mist, over a rainbow trail." -Navajo song
i think you need dto take up residence there
Asha! I'm so happy for you everything is going so great. I caught up on your trip this afternoon reading your blog, delightful!! Glad you are enjoying your experience and I will continue to keep you in my prayers. Have fun with Kristin