"Friendship brings people closer no matter how great the distance between them."
Kristin arrived yesterday! It was actually kind of interesting because I wasn't sure what time she would get to the house, and she still wasn't here at 4:30...her flight got in at 2:45. Just when I was really wondering about her, I got a call on my mobile phone, and it was the taxi driver asking me how to get to 132 Glenageary Avenue. I may be mistaken, but I thought taxi drivers knew how to get everywhere! I'm just glad I had given Kristin my mobile number at the last minute in case anything happened.
I was so glad to see her! It's so great to have your best friend come visit you halfway across the world. :) After she unpacked a bit and we had some tea, we had dinner at the house and headed into town for an "intern social", organized through my internship agency. It was interesting...we met lots of other interns from all over the world...I met a girl from Kansas City, MO, so that was fun. Later on, we met up with some of my friends from work and the yacht club...it turned out to be a rather entertaining night. :)
This morning we got to sleep in...which was really nice. Around 2, we headed down to the train station to take the DART to a little town north of here called Howth. It is a quaint little seaside village, and Ireland's Eye island is right off the coast! We took tons of pictures...like the one posted :) Don't even ask how many times we had to try in order to get a good one! We were laughing so hard we were crying. :) We spent a good few hours there on the coast, we had some tea in a little cafe, and spent some time in the market where we bought some delicious cheeses and ice cream cones. Later on we headed back home again...we were going to go downtown tonight but I think we are opting to get some sleep and make up for last night (not the Irish way at all, mind you :). Tomorrow we are going to go to a church just right down the street from my house, so that should be fun. Welp...that kinda sums it up for right now. Until next time...Cheers!
"May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all." -2 Corinthians 13:13
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